Countless: Many

Hello, I’m Shay, a person with Countless Passions. Meaning many passions. I guess you could say I wear many hats. I dabble in many things from my first passion – tap dancing – to my newest passion – Crossfit. I’m a dance instructor as well as a performer and I am personal trainer on the side. I’m a fan of America’s greatest pastime, baseball. More specifically the Angels. I am someone who finds Crossfit fascinating. I love being outdoors in God’s creation. And God just so happens to be my greatest passion.

This is a place for me to share my thoughts on these many passions that I pursue. My passions don’t stop at what is listed above, but rather grow everyday. I am someone who likes variety. Everyday I wake up to a new schedule, not the same boring routine. My “hat” probably changes one to five times a day. Oddly enough, I don’t mind wearing that many “hats” in a day even though some people might find it absolutely insane.

Somedays you might read about tap dance and on other days you might read about the latest and greatest sunset. Maybe somedays it might just be a picture, because pictures are worth a thousand words. Whatever the topic may be, I am excited to share it with you all.

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